

Har precis fått mitt vackra bredband och installerat WoW. Blir disconnectad väldigt ofta, men många andra i byn som har BBB (woho) kan spela WoW utan problem. Jag har testat att stänga av brandväggen men det hjälper inte. Har ingen router

Verkar inte vara WoW-serverns fel heller :/

Visa signatur

abooo :P


Låter som error #132
Prova läsa den här länken:


Nej, alltså, det blir inget error. Jag blir bara utloggad

Visa signatur

abooo :P


testa detta oxå. Hade samma problem tills jag testade. (Nforce4)

For network cards that supports “checksum offloading” (hardware check summing):

Those cards that for example do support this are: Intel Pro 100 Series, Marvell Yukon, Broadcom, 3com Cnet and Nvidia nForce 3. When using these cards you should disable this option to solve your connection problem.

- right click on your network connection -> PROPERTIES
- Click on ‘Configure’ and then on the card flagged as ‘advanced’ (?)
- go to the option ‘Checksum Offload’ and disable this option in the window on the right side
- finally click OK to save this configuration and to restart the network interface


Nähäp det sista funkade inte. Blir fortfarande disconnectad
Vad nu?

Visa signatur

abooo :P


Delar du key med någon så kan det bero på att denne loggar in. Om du inte delar med någon så har jag ingen aning om vad det beror på.

Visa signatur

Tillbaka med övrigt!
Athlon 64 X2 3800+, Powercolor x800gt 256mb @ 531/570, 1024 Ram. 3dMark 05: 4014p, 3dMark 03: 9212p, 3dMark01: 19820p


Nej jag delar inte key med någon :/

Jag kan spela nån minut sen händer nåt skumt och jag loggas ut.

Visa signatur

abooo :P


Händer det speciellt ofta när du pratar med quest givers eller NPC's?

edit: Den här länker bör hjälpa mer än den förra:


Det kan hända när som helst :/
Nyss fösvann alla NPC´s strax innan jag blev utloggad.

Visa signatur

abooo :P


Ursprungligen inskrivet av sjörövaren
Det kan hända när som helst :/
Nyss fösvann alla NPC´s strax innan jag blev utloggad.

Har det hänt flera gånger förutom idag? Det där låter mer som server instabilitet. Vilken server spelar du på?

edit: Men prova läsa igenom länken, har för mej att det här kunde hända också...


Jag började spela idag
jag kör på burning blade men alla andra jag känner spelar där utan problem :/

Visa signatur

abooo :P


Om du började idag så är det med största sannolikhet problemet som beskrivs i länken. Det är lång och jobbig läsning, men det är det kanske värt om det får spelet att funka?


Att loggas ut var fjärde minut är inte så överdrivet kul nej

Ingen som känner igen problemet?

Visa signatur

abooo :P


Ursprungligen inskrivet av sjörövaren
Att loggas ut var fjärde minut är inte så överdrivet kul nej

Ingen som känner igen problemet?


Om du inte orkar trycka på den fina länken jag gav så kan jag klistra in det åt dej.

(Server) connection lost (Disconnected from server)

The most common reason for this error message is old drivers for your network card and/or incorrectly configured network components. First of all download and install the latest driver from your network card manufacturer. If you are using a router please connect your computer directly to the DSL modem, just for this test, and to make sure that the router is not the source of the fault.
Should this connection problem not occur again, please contact your device manufacturer, who should be able to assist you with configuring this device and/or will in some cases help you to update the firmware.

Account sharing

A connection to the server can also be interrupted if another person, using the same account as you, tries to log in after you. If another log in with the same account as yours is attempted, you will be kicked out of the game. Please keep in mind that sharing an account is a violation of our terms of use.

Network load / other programs

Other programs on your computer or on other computers, within the network, which uses the same internet connection, can also cause a disconnection problem.
Please disable or end all other programs within your network that increase network traffic (e.g. file sharing software, highly frequented web- and FTP servers, parallel downloads, etc.).

Problems with only one character

Should a problem occur only with one single character, and normal gameplay is possible with other characters, it is normally a problem with the cache files. In this case please delete the folders WTF, WDB and INTERFACE in your World of Warcraft installation folder, and then restart the game.


Sometimes W-LAN components can cause problems. In order to eliminate W-LAN as a source of the problem, please connect your computer directly to your router/DSL modem via cable as a test.


Due to the architecture of the connection via satellite, you should expect high latencies and to be routed over foreign countries, which can cause lags and disconnection problems. Furthermore some providers of Sky DSL block ports used by World of Warcraft. Due to the fact that Sky DSL software changes hosts and imhosts registrations, you should uninstall this software when temporarily using another internet connection.

Tyvärr orkar jag inte översätta det...


edit: Även det här stycket är värt att titta på...

General things to check when having network problems

Generally you can reduce most connection problems to issues with old network-card drivers, defective network-components, and wrong firewall and/or router settings. So if you experience problems connecting to the game, disconnection from the game and latency issues during the game, you should first of all check these possibilities:

- Is your problem a general connection problem, and is it possible to open different sites on the Internet?

- Which network card is used, and is the latest driver installed?

- Which router is used, and is it configured correctly?
(Refer to the instruction manual provided by the router manufacturer)

- Is a software firewall installed and configured correctly?
(Refer to the instruction manual provided by the software firewall developer)

- Do you use Windows XP Service Pack 2, and if so, is the Windows XP built-in firewall active and configured correctly?


In your “logs” folder (subdirectory of the World of Warcraft installation folder) you will find the connection.log file. In this file, a record is saved, that shows details of what happens when a connection to the World of Warcraft servers is initialized.
If an error occurs when trying to log on, then this file is worth having a look at.
When you come across a network issue, and you want to contact our technical support team, it is always a good idea to attach this file in an email.

“tracert” – Trace Route

The “tracert” tool is available for both Windows and Mac OS. It is used for checking network connections between client and server (e.g. between your PC and the World of Warcraft Servers). It shows the servers as well as the time your data takes to make its way through the internet.

How to perform a “tracert” with Windows
- click on the START button then click RUN
- in the next small window, insert the text ‘cmd’ in the textbox (without quotation marks) and click OK
- in the following window (prompt / DOS window) insert 'tracert > C:\tracert.txt' (without quotation marks) and press the ENTER button on your keyboard

Now a file called “tracert.txt” is created on your hard disc drive (C:) which contains your trace route information. Performing a trace route may take a couple of minutes. The trace route is finished when you can see the prompt again.

Finally, insert ‘exit’ (without quotation marks) and press ENTER on your keyboard to close this window again.

“tracert” with a Mac:

- Click on ‘GO’ in the menu list
- Choose ‘UTILITIES’
- Click on the network utilities icon
- In the next window choose the ‘Trace’ flag and fill in the name of the login server in the upper block

For more information concerning trace routes please visit:

World of Warcraft Ports

World of Warcraft uses the TCP Port 3724, for the communication between the client and the server.

If you use the Blizzard Downloader to download patches, then the TCP Ports 6112 and 6881-6999 are also used


jag har kollat länken men jag hittar inte problemet iaf :-/


Tracing route to []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 110 ms 159 ms 89 ms []

2 19 ms 16 ms 21 ms []

3 49 ms 49 ms 54 ms []

4 17 ms 19 ms 19 ms []

5 26 ms 28 ms 29 ms []

6 25 ms 23 ms 23 ms []

7 46 ms 40 ms 41 ms []

8 51 ms 50 ms 53 ms []

9 59 ms 101 ms 61 ms []

10 57 ms 64 ms 50 ms []

11 56 ms 53 ms 56 ms

12 49 ms 56 ms 52 ms []

13 * * * Request timed out.

14 * * * Request timed out.

15 * * * Request timed out.

16 * * * Request timed out.

17 * * * Request timed out.

18 * * * Request timed out.

19 * * * Request timed out.

20 * * * Request timed out.


ska det se ut så här? :S

Visa signatur

abooo :P


Ursprungligen inskrivet av sjörövaren
jag har kollat länken men jag hittar inte problemet iaf :-/


Tracing route to []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 110 ms 159 ms 89 ms []

2 19 ms 16 ms 21 ms []

3 49 ms 49 ms 54 ms []

4 17 ms 19 ms 19 ms []

5 26 ms 28 ms 29 ms []

6 25 ms 23 ms 23 ms []

7 46 ms 40 ms 41 ms []

8 51 ms 50 ms 53 ms []

9 59 ms 101 ms 61 ms []

10 57 ms 64 ms 50 ms []

11 56 ms 53 ms 56 ms

12 49 ms 56 ms 52 ms []

13 * * * Request timed out.

14 * * * Request timed out.

15 * * * Request timed out.

16 * * * Request timed out.

17 * * * Request timed out.

18 * * * Request timed out.

19 * * * Request timed out.

20 * * * Request timed out.


ska det se ut så här? :S

Har exakt samma problem som dig inte de me request time out men att de loggar ut disconnectar har ingen aning varför.


Jag har hört att burning blade har buggat hela dagen. Något som märkt nåt konstigt?

Visa signatur

abooo :P


Ursprungligen inskrivet av sjörövaren
Jag har hört att burning blade har buggat hela dagen. Något som märkt nåt konstigt?

Prova att skapa char på någon "tom" server, och se om det är samma sak där?

Visa signatur

Modermodem från ONOFF och bildskärmsutrustning från Electrolux. US Robotics 28.8K telefonuppringd internetförbindelse. Har en förkärlek för tysk tjejpop.


*Tråd Låst*

Håll er till befintlig, klistrad WoW-tråd

Visa signatur

🖥️ 13600K • RTX 4080 • 32GB DDR5 • 2TB NVMe • LG C3 OLED 42"
💾 4790K • 16GB DDR3 • 14TB HDD • Plex ❤️
💻 MacBook Air M1
🎮 Xbox Series X