GTX 570, Need Advice!! TACK :)


GTX 570, Need Advice!! TACK :)

Hey Sweclockers! Please don't take offense, but I can't type swedish without it looking like I'm 5 years old. But I can read and understand perfectly, so please go ahead and answer in swedish

My question to everyone is which GTX 570 GPU is great for over clocking? I'm looking at the ASUS with the Directcu ii cooling. Is it any good?

Another question is where can I get computer components second hand? Sweclockers is great, but are there any others? And is anyone here interested in getting rid of theirs?


Inga problem att överklocka ett 570! speciellt inte med directcu-kylare!
Vill du ha begagnade komponenter så är det nog faktiskt sweclockers som gäller! Så vitt jag vet iaf.

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Outtröttlig, löpartokig besserwisser!

Bli vegan! För djuren, planeten, hälsan och våra barns skull!


Jag har ett ASUS GTX570 DCII och efter en liten biosändring kör jag det i 935mhz med 1.163v 24/7, vilket är ganska mycket snabbare än fabriksklocken - 743mhz. Vad gäller ljudnivå är kortet tyst i överlag. Naturligtvis brakar det på lite under full belastning men det stör mig inte.


Thanks for the feedback! Great to hear I suppose the biggest problem that I have atm is that I can't post a wanted ad as I'm a new member, so I have to just keep looking :S


MSI GTX 570 Twin Frozr III ska tydligen vara riktigt nice också. Annars så tror jag inte det skulle finnas en 83 sidors forumtråd på om kortet

Sitter med ett sådant själv. Har i och för sig inte överklockat något, men är mer än nöjd ändå. Runt 60-62 grader vid spelande (BF3, Skyrim etc.) och ändå relativt tyst. Dessutom är kylaren en slot mindre än DC II men kanske bara någon enstaka grad varmare vid full belastning.

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"The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know."

Skrivet av Casgar:

MSI GTX 570 Twin Frozr III ska tydligen vara riktigt nice också. Annars så tror jag inte det skulle finnas en 83 sidors forumtråd på om kortet

Sitter med ett sådant själv. Har i och för sig inte överklockat något, men är mer än nöjd ändå. Runt 60-62 grader vid spelande (BF3, Skyrim etc.) och ändå relativt tyst. Dessutom är kylaren en slot mindre än DC II men kanske bara någon enstaka grad varmare vid full belastning.

Maybe this is a good card for SLI later on then? I have a sabertooth p67 and am a little concerned about the ASUS card being TOO big with little clearance between the 2 cards.

Have you got 1 or 2 of those bad boys?

Skrivet av MetallicAcid:

Maybe this is a good card for SLI later on then? I have a sabertooth p67 and am a little concerned about the ASUS card being TOO big with little clearance between the 2 cards.

Have you got 1 or 2 of those bad boys?

Bara 1... än så länge.

På sidan 67 i tråden jag länkade till så står det lite mer ingående information kring SLI med MSI kortet. Beroende på vad du har för chassi så ser jag inga problem. Jag har ett Antec P193 chassi och om jag skulle ha köpt ett P67 Sabertooth istället för P8Z68-V så skulle jag ha problem med det nedre kortet i SLI eftersom det då hamnar så nära skiljeväggen. Om du kollar på den här bilden så sitter skiljeväggen i mitt chassi i ungefär samma höjd som nätagget i bilden. Den nedre PCIe platsen på Sabertooth sitter där den nedre blå PCI platsen är på bilden, det vill säga längre ner än på P8Z68-V (den vita PCIe slotten). Det nedre kortet riskerar då att få för lite luft. Denna bild visar hur det bör se ut med SLI.

Asus DC II är däremot inget jag rekommenderar i SLI efter allt jag har hört och läst om det. Inte på ett P67 Sabertooth-moderkort i alla fall. Som singelkort är nog Asus- och MSI-kortet hugget som stucket.

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"The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know."

Skrivet av MetallicAcid:

Maybe this is a good card for SLI later on then? I have a sabertooth p67 and am a little concerned about the ASUS card being TOO big with little clearance between the 2 cards.

Have you got 1 or 2 of those bad boys?

Not even Asus themselves recommend using the DirectCU II (or the offspin Matrix) in a dual-card setup on any motherboards following the regular ATX form factor, simply because neither the motherboards nor the chassis are built for handling dual 3-slot high cards. You effectively need to purchase an E-ATX or XL-ATX motherboard, and a chassis capable of fitting such a board not to mention offer some serious ventilation in the expansion card area.

If you're looking toward a future SLI setup the MSI cards are probably the best cards you can get and actually fit into a normal chassis. Do remember however that overclocking a SLI setup is nowhere near as easy as overclocking a single card setup.

I have a thread about it stickied at the top of this subforum, but I can condense it down to modern motherboards not being capable of enough throughput in terms of pure 12-volt current to feed two overclocked graphics cards at the same time as feeding an overclocked CPU.

Granted, the Sandy Bridge platform is quite a bit easier to handle in this regard, a 2500k/2600k running at 4,8 GHz draws about the same amount of power as a previous generation CPU did running stock. Still, if overclocking is your main focus I really can't stress enough the importance of the motherboard.

To be able to push a Sandy and dual Fermis to the limit there are really no boards out there in the mainstream category that will give you good enough current throughput. You're limited to the EVGA FTW or Asus Maximus boards, both carrying the hefty pricetag of three grand.

However, seeing how well two averagely clocked 570's handle with a gently clocked 2500k I really don't see the need to push them any further, and any decent P67/Z68 board can easily deliver enough to push even Metro or Battlefield 3 past the golden bar in Ultra quality.

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i7-12700KF | 128 GB DDR4-4000 | RTX 4080 | Samsung 990 Pro | 3xAcer XB270HU G-Sync

Skrivet av Zcenicx:

Not even Asus themselves recommend using the DirectCU II (or the offspin Matrix) in a dual-card setup on any motherboards following the regular ATX form factor, simply because neither the motherboards nor the chassis are built for handling dual 3-slot high cards. You effectively need to purchase an E-ATX or XL-ATX motherboard, and a chassis capable of fitting such a board not to mention offer some serious ventilation in the expansion card area.

If you're looking toward a future SLI setup the MSI cards are probably the best cards you can get and actually fit into a normal chassis. Do remember however that overclocking a SLI setup is nowhere near as easy as overclocking a single card setup.

I have a thread about it stickied at the top of this subforum, but I can condense it down to modern motherboards not being capable of enough throughput in terms of pure 12-volt current to feed two overclocked graphics cards at the same time as feeding an overclocked CPU.

Granted, the Sandy Bridge platform is quite a bit easier to handle in this regard, a 2500k/2600k running at 4,8 GHz draws about the same amount of power as a previous generation CPU did running stock. Still, if overclocking is your main focus I really can't stress enough the importance of the motherboard.

To be able to push a Sandy and dual Fermis to the limit there are really no boards out there in the mainstream category that will give you good enough current throughput. You're limited to the EVGA FTW or Asus Maximus boards, both carrying the hefty pricetag of three grand.

However, seeing how well two averagely clocked 570's handle with a gently clocked 2500k I really don't see the need to push them any further, and any decent P67/Z68 board can easily deliver enough to push even Metro or Battlefield 3 past the golden bar in Ultra quality.

Wow thats some really good advice Thank you. I was planning on over clocking the directcu ii and adding another of the same card later in over clock. That's already 2 mistakes. Then I have a ATX board (P67 Sabertooth), 3rd mistake!

Ill be sure to read the thread that you have sticked and absorb all of the info!

Thank you!