PCPer. tittar närmare på Apex


PCPer. tittar närmare på Apex



Going into this review of the OCZ Apex series solid state drive, I had very little expectation on how the drive would perform. I knew that previous MLC drives based on the JMicron controllers had fared poorly in a lot of benchmarks and real-world scenarios and even teased with the fact that this drive would have a pair of them inside didn't really get me too excited. That being said, I think the results from the tests we showed you here today are enough to change my mind and give the Apex series a warm reception.

The first obvious comparison for the Apex 250GB SSD is to the Intel X25-M 80GB SSD that has become the darling of the solid state market. When it came on the scene it was simply worlds faster than anything else available and still will likely hold the crown of the fastest MLC drive on the market. But the OCZ Apex drive, with its very unique dual-controller RAID-0 configuration, is able to compete in a way that no other JMicron-based drive has been able to thus far.

In general, we found that the Apex SSD was able to outperform the Intel X25-M in terms of sustained write speeds though it was slower in sustained read speeds. And even though the Intel drive was faster on the reads, it wasn't always by a very significant margin and we found the Apex drive to be better than nearly all other storage configurations we tested against.

Final Thoughts

The OCZ Apex is a new take on the solid state drive that offers both high performance and the low cost of multi-level cell technology. Does this drive have enough to completely unseat the Intel X25-M when it comes to raw performance? Not quite, but it does offer enough performance and price/capacity benefit that I think a lot of users will find it more appealing in the long run. If you wanted a new SSD for your laptop or desktop but were scared off by either the price or performance of other options, the OCZ Apex series is just what you are looking for.

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Kul IOMeter-test de gör, det får mig att minnas när OCZ gav instruktioner för hur man skulle testa de första Core-enheterna i IOMeter (där de sade att man skulle starta IOMeter, konfigurera och starta testet, stänga ned det med Task Manager, för att sedan starta upp det igjen, allt för att göra test-filen så liten som möjligt och få resultatet att se så bra ut som möjligt).