World of Diablo and Warcraft ? Kommande spel titel av blizzard ?


World of Diablo and Warcraft ? Kommande spel titel av blizzard ?

Are there any suggestions on a wow 2 ? What improvements would you like to see and more chars and groupings ? Greater opportunities for quests and other types of dungenons and pvp ?

Larger maps with more groups than horde and alliance , follow the story of warcraft 3 with " horde " " humans " and " nightelfs " even " undead necromancer and zerg " ?

Major gaming area and larger map system . With different levels of a race war with different levels. of places like paradise , the world , Hell, Bottomless Pitt and the universe?

Would love to see an underground world . Where a third faction appears to alien / evil over lords . Dark mage, Necromancer , Dark knight . Shadow warrior , healer Voodoo , Zombie, etc. A story line about how the world is over . Destroyed landscape . Raw graphics and some other mobs and Dungenons in some other way . Upgraderad graphics and game engine quite a bit . Better pvp opportunities. A little more difficult games.

Mix the story of hell and a underworld and a closer connection to the universe and the star sytem to the story . Litch kings contract to the daemons of hell .

The lord of evil Diablo as a PvE boss .

But with 4 cores and 8 threads and dual GPU by default. How would wow looked like then ?

Multithreading on the processor and rendering of graphics cards.

Then function between the processor and graphics for better standard.

100 fps and 120 hz at a minimum .

If These were the standards in game making for future games .

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MSI GE60 < Cpu: intel core i5 3210M < Geforce GT 650M < DDR3 6GB < HDD 500GB
4 Laptops och 2 extra skärmar på 32 och 22 tum.

Gaming & Hacking since Windows 95 - DOS


Förstår inte riktigt vad du skriver. Känns lite som en röra med ord och meningar. Kanske ska sätta kontext på det eller i alla fall skicka en länk. Nej tror inte det blir något sådant skit. Hoppas på ett nytt varumärke.
EDIT* Ser att du har gjort typ fem trådar angående detta, sup with that?

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Jag är inte intresserad om jag har rätt eller fel, jag gillar diskussion :)