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Testpilot, Skribent, Moderator & Geeks Gaming Huvudadmin
AM4 processor
Lenovo Legion 5 17,3", 5800H, 3070 140 W, 2 TB
Logitech G Pro Wireless & G613 keyboard
Hifiman Sundara, Sennheiser PXC-550 II / Hidisz S9 Pro, Schiit Magni 2
Singleplayertopplistan utan ranking: Duke Nukem' 3D, Doom: Eternal, Half-life I & II, Super Mario 64 & Galaxy I & II, Resident Evil II (PSX), Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII (PSX), The Last of Us I & II, Fallout 3, New Vegas & 4, Cyberpunk 2077
Lenovo Legion 5 17,3", 5800H, 3070 140 W, 2 TB
Logitech G Pro Wireless & G613 keyboard
Hifiman Sundara, Sennheiser PXC-550 II / Hidisz S9 Pro, Schiit Magni 2
Singleplayertopplistan utan ranking: Duke Nukem' 3D, Doom: Eternal, Half-life I & II, Super Mario 64 & Galaxy I & II, Resident Evil II (PSX), Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII (PSX), The Last of Us I & II, Fallout 3, New Vegas & 4, Cyberpunk 2077
Lenovo Legion 5 17,3", 5800H, 3070 140 W, 2 TB
Logitech G Pro Wireless & G613 keyboard
Hifiman Sundara, Sennheiser PXC-550 II / Hidisz S9 Pro, Schiit Magni 2
Singleplayertopplistan utan ranking: Duke Nukem' 3D, Doom: Eternal, Half-life I & II, Super Mario 64 & Galaxy I & II, Resident Evil II (PSX), Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII (PSX), The Last of Us I & II, Fallout 3, New Vegas & 4, Cyberpunk 2077