
thanks It's all fun, no real stress - yet! And there is only a modeling stage included in the actual project - there will be some actual prototyping but that will be afterwards and only for a few of the chassis.

I will update the thread with images to answer some technical questions after I spend some time in the workshop.


Re: Modular

First of all, nice designs everyone. I must say that you all have started a new computer fashion all over the world, well at least in sweden.

DanShort - Modular case

Must say that your idea is both smart and crazy, love how you snapp the chassi together like lego.

I hope you all good luck with your project.

Cheers Richard

Visa signatur - Perfekt vid ominstallation av windows.



>>Image removed<<


DanShort - Your chassi looks really good ! Keep on the good job!

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Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.


Hello Dan, love your design on the flow case, very innovative and beautiful.

I have an idea though. By Changing the design into a BTX motherboard design (motherboard is mounted upside down with I/O ports and CPU part of it in the bottom and GFX card slots in the top) and then take your fabulous looking harddrive mounting system galore and mirror it. This way you can fit larger GFX cards and still keep the case fairly small. On my image ther's only 4 drives, personally i think that's enough but you can apply the same idea with more drives if u like. I chose to put 5,25 slots in the bottom because i think a case like this should sit on the desk so others can see it and then the dvd drive f/e will be easily accessible from the side. It is after all a really good looking case. This can probably be solved in other ways, using slim drives for example. You seem like a creative guy so you'll probably figure out what's best.

The proportions of this image is probably quite off, since its not based on any measurements at all but it should give you an idea of what i'm thinking. Hopefully its useful in some way.

I'm not sure about the best way to sort the airflow. Look at the lian li v1200 / v2000 for some inspiration. I tried to illustrate one cooling solution in the image above but it's far from perfect. I'll do some thinking and if i have further suggestions i'll post them here.

It would probably be better to place the PSU with the fan facing downwards and allow it to take in fresh air from under the case. More exhaust fans are needed, especially if the PSU is flipped (the way i think you intended it to be in the first placed). Though I havent figured out where to put one, the roof maybe?

When using 2 graphics cards that blow the hot air out of the case im sure the config in the pic would work really well. But if you only use 1 graphics card or use aftermarket coolers that doesn't exhaust the air from the case, there might be to much air coming into the case and to little air begin sucked out. It's essential to have some sort of exhaust in the top of the case to prevent the air from heating up, rising and getting stuck in the top of the case. Perhaps a large inlet fan like in the pic will reduce this effect. I havent tried this in practise :P.


Hey man - that's alot of input! thanks! You suggested alot here, and mentioned cooling in the motherboard area. To clarify I did a visual (very basic one!) to illustrate how the MB chamber will be cooled. As for the rest of your ideas - they're great, especially about the alternative MB option. I will present this to the project partners in my presentation on Tuesday (the big day) in some way but right now it's too late to change anything in a major way. So here's some more images of rendering tests and also the cooling explanation and thanks again for all your suggestions (and killer diagram )


>>Image removed<<


Some test renders - lacking detail but they show some development...


and some more

>>Image removed<<



Now build it so I can buy one...


What do you have in mind for ventilating out the hot air? Perhaps you could make the whole rear end of the case in perforated aluminium, would be a shame to put holes in that clean looking roof. The standard fan-placement next to the I/O ports on the back of the case is used on 99% of all cases for a reason :P.


May I ask what you render with?

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🎮 - AMD RYZEN THREADRIPPER 2970WX • 64GB DDR4 3200MHz • RTX 2070 SUPER • Seasonic Core GM 650 650W PSU

🖥️ - 2x ACER 27" ConceptD CP5271UV IPS QHD HDR 170 Hz


That is a beauty. I will buy one even if i cant afford it.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av ODDNAME
May I ask what you render with?

They're using Rhino (Rhinoceros) I belive.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av MooDHooDs
That is a beauty. I will buy one even if i cant afford it.

Was thinking the same . I'm pretty confident it'll win. got 28% of the votes atm on

It's gonna be brilliant and i'm gonna get one, somehow. Will be intresting to see how they plan on producing it. All those airtunnels will probably make it quite expensive. If it's below 5000kr i might consider buying one. If not I'll build one myself XD


thanks guys! kind words! - ok answers: I use Rhino to model with (this chassis is a result of 'sketching' in Rhino), then I import it into a program called Hypershot, which I seriously recommend - and they have an excellent student discount.

As for the voting - that is only a small competition within a bigger one. The other guys all have strong designs and each one of them have great things I think people would like to see on the market to choose from.

Ventilation: I have a fan at the back, like as you say most chassis - it's just physics. it would be nice to keep every hot part in it's own compartment and I believe it would be possible if a motherboard was designed specifically for this chassis - maybe in the 'Flow 2' chassis...

Will upload the final design tomorrow evening, and will upload some promotional and story telling visuals to explain every aspect of the chassis on monday evening.



The air that cools the HDs, where will it exit the case? I dont see any holes for it.

Have you thought about how the case will open up? I'm guessing the left part of the case with the two circle thingies will be removable, but what about the front are where the HD's are? Best way would be if the whole section would be one piece that slides and locks into place, but I think that would be more expensive to manufacture. Screws into the side panel there would ruin the clean look.

Cable management. Have you thought about that? There will need to be one cable between HD-PSU and one cable between the HD-MB. The HD channels looks quite closed off, so that would have to be solved somehow.
It looks like the powercable to the HDs will be quite long, it will probably require extra long cables. Not a big deal though.

The empty space underneath the CD/DVD, that is currently not being used at all? I think the SSD drives requires less cooling, so perhaps use that are for a some SSD drives.

All in all, looks nice. Not as "far out" or different as some of the other ideas, but really nice. Especially the red/white combination looks sweet.

Visa signatur

Linqon, Hi - these renders aren't of the finished design, it's just me putting some test renders out here for you guys to see, and they don't cover everything - those images will be here tonight though

But I will answer your questions:

cable routing - I have thought about that the cable routing is all happening behind a large divider, and goes around the HDD channels (or behind them depending on how you are looking at the case) and doesn't interfere with the HDD system at all. I will try to illustrate this later today.

The motherboard door opens up with those big disc shaped latches you see in the renderings, they're functional and part of the way I'd like the user to view the chassis experience: quick and easy access - no messing around looking for a phillips screw driver when you have only a flat headed one thats too big, only to lose the screws in your cup of tea when you eventually get them off, all the while you are trying to get the door off without knocking over your stack of loose DVD's because it pops off real quick because it's being held in place by hundreds of tiny tabs that usually bend out of place when you slide the door back on...

Air will leave those channels where they end facing upwards and out of the case, the holes arent in the case visuals because rendering lots of tiny little holes takes up allot of processing power that my computer just doesn't have (I'm currently on a mac running windows for my 3D modeling and rendering tasks). The holes you do see take a LONG time to render and often crash the computer, wasting sometimes allot of time spent making them. I could go on moaning but I won't

Thanks for the comments, keep checking back for more explanation visuals - they will be up here eventually



Hi all - for those who are still following the progress of this chassis - I won't be putting up anymore work until after the presentation.

The reason for this: My 'amazing' iMac 24" that is marketed as being so reliable, with an operating system that has the tag line 'It Just Works' is now toast, one day before the final presentation no less - and will be on it's way back to Apple in a polystyrene body bag. Rather than the 'blue screen of death' - Macs apparently give you the 'grey screen of maybe I'll work, maybe I won't...'

Sorry guys, blame steve jobs.



You should have taken that HDD out of your iMac before sending it to Steve Jobs

(Some says he eats HDD's for breakfast... )


Thanks, good advice - I already looked at a guide on how to take them out. Feel like taking Steve Jobs out too...

Just came on here to download some images I no longer have access to - will re-format everything so it's more cohesive in the week. Will continue to develop as it's been a really nice project so you should expect to see more stuff and also the Mod concept.


Strange, when running Safari it automatically scales the pictures right, but not when using Firefox.

Anyway I really looking forward to see the finished product soon. It's been great fun following you.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av typewriter
Strange, when running Safari it automatically scales the pictures right, but not when using Firefox.

Anyway I really looking forward to see the finished product soon. It's been great fun following you.

Same as with Google Chrome. Webkit is the best.

Agreed, I look forward to all of these. Tho, I think almost all designs have some good ideas and, as with all product segments, I wish all ideas were merged into one superior product.

Visa signatur

Whales are nice!


Ursprungligen inskrivet av DanShort
Hi all - for those who are still following the progress of this chassis - I won't be putting up anymore work until after the presentation.

The reason for this: My 'amazing' iMac 24" that is marketed as being so reliable, with an operating system that has the tag line 'It Just Works' is now toast, one day before the final presentation no less - and will be on it's way back to Apple in a polystyrene body bag. Rather than the 'blue screen of death' - Macs apparently give you the 'grey screen of maybe I'll work, maybe I won't...'

Sorry guys, blame steve jobs.

woa... that sucks, sorry to hear that. I guess that is Murphy's law in effect... If something can go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible time.

Visa signatur

Right, as you told me to post this in your main thread aswell that's what I'm gonna do.

This case is my own version of the flow concept featuring a BTX layout. The image lacks some details such as locking mechanisms for the doors and cable management canals aswell as a proper solution of the cooling. This is because emphasis was on showing dan how space could me managed differently by using a BTX motherboard layout.

I find this design pretty exciting so I will continue to work on it and add all the details aswell as sorting out the cooling which is unfinished on this version of the case. I will try to solve it differently from what Dan did in his design and explore a different concept of the idea.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av patrikringdahl
Right, as you told me to post this in your main thread aswell that's what I'm gonna do.

This case is my own version of the flow concept featuring a BTX layout. The image lacks some details such as locking mechanisms for the doors and cable management canals aswell as a proper solution of the cooling. This is because emphasis was on showing dan how space could me managed differently by using a BTX motherboard layout.

I find this design pretty exciting so I will continue to work on it and add all the details aswell as sorting out the cooling which is unfinished on this version of the case. I will try to solve it differently from what Dan did in his design and explore a different concept of the idea.

Ser väldigt bra ut, utrymme utnyttjas väldigt effektivt.

Men varmluftens principer kommer att bli motarbetade med denna design. Du drar ju in luft från toppen och drar ned den och sen ut bakåt, varmluften vill ju stiga uppåt. Vet inte om du hade tänkt samma för hårddisk buren.

Visa signatur

Main Rig FD Define R4 |Intel C2Q Q9650@3.6GHz|Asus P5Q-E|OCZ Reaper 4GB@800MHz|WD6400AAKS|HD6850|Corsair HX650
HTPC HDPLEX H1.S |Intel Core i3 4330|ASRock Z87E-ITX|8GB|128GB mSATA
Work Dell Vostro 3360 |Intel Core i5-3317U|8GB|Samsung 840 Pro 256GB


Ursprungligen inskrivet av this
Ser väldigt bra ut, utrymme utnyttjas väldigt effektivt.

Men varmluftens principer kommer att bli motarbetade med denna design. Du drar ju in luft från toppen och drar ned den och sen ut bakåt, varmluften vill ju stiga uppåt. Vet inte om du hade tänkt samma för hårddisk buren.

Tack. Jo det stämmer det du säger. Jag tror dock inte det blir problem med att luften återanvänds, dvs att det som fläkten i taket blåser ut sugs in igen genom "skorstenen" i fronten. De sitter inte tillräckligt nära varandra och luften på 50cm höjd ovanför golvet är inte nämnvärt varmare än den på golvnivå. Däremot är det viktigt att man har dammfilter, annars kommer den suga i sig en hel del damm.

Egentligen är hela principen att ha böjda luftkanaler ganska svår att jobba med. Det ser väldigt snyggt ut, men det är svårt att lösa kylningen på ett bra sätt utan att det tar upp mycket plats


Hej Hej Patrikringdahl

good work - and I have sent the link to Webhallen who may feature it in the development article also (woo!). But please keep your posts in this thread to a low roar otherwise it could get confusing

Also on another completely seperate note which is nothing to do with Patrikringdahl: I've been concerned about a rather strange email from a forum user to one of my class mates regarding the intellectual property of his designs - so I feel I must re-iterate basically the same point they did in their response: The intellectual property and rights to the design belong completely and solely to the designer as an individual. Some of the designs may be prototyped and produced by the project partners of course, but that is obvious because this is the reason this project initiated.

point made I guess!


I wanna have this case badly

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CPU: Phenom2 X4 810@3,2ghz GPU:Asus 560ti cu2 overclocked 1gb MOBO: Gigabyte GA-MA790X-UD4 PSU: Corsair HX 620W RAM: 4gb XMS2 8500 CL-5 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium


It's yours...for ONE MILLION DOLLARS! wuh hah hah hah...


nvm, just found the magic button for a static thread width size

Great concept I must say!

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Stationära: Ryzen 7 3700X | 32GB DDR4 3200MHz | EVGA Geforce 1070 8GB | 120GB Intel 520 SSD | 500GB Samsung 850EVO |
Server/ NAS : Phenom2 X4 965 | 6GB DDR2 RAM | Nvidia 6600LE 128MB | WD Red 3TB | Ubuntu server 16.04
HTPC: Raspberry Pi 2 | 8GB class 6 SD card | 900MHz quad core