CrashPlan lämnar konsumentmarknaden
Fick följande mail:
Thank you for being a CrashPlan® for Home customer. We're honored that you’ve trusted us to protect your data.
It's because of this trust that we want you to know that we have shifted our business strategy to focus on the enterprise and small business segments. This means that over the next 14 months we will be exiting the consumer market and you must choose another option for data backup before your subscription expires. We are committed to providing you with an easy and efficient transition.
We will honor your existing CrashPlan for Home subscription, keeping your data safe, as always, until your current subscription expires.
To allow you time to transition to a new backup solution, we've extended your subscription (at no cost to you) by 60 days. Your new subscription expiration date is 10/22/2017.
Your first step is to consider the options below, available exclusively for CrashPlan for Home customers. Once you make your selection, no further action is required until your new expiration date. We will send you reminders well before your CrashPlan for Home subscription ends.
Option 1
CRASHPLAN - For Small Business
Migrate to CrashPlan for Small Business in a Matter of Minutes
If you're a small business, freelancer or just getting your side hustle on, quickly move your data* into CrashPlan for Small Business for the remainder of your current subscription for free. After that, enjoy 75% off the regular price for the next 12 consecutive months. Get unlimited backup at an affordable monthly price and access our intuitive administration console for managing multiple users.
Option 2
If You're Backing Up Home Computers, Easily Start Up With Carbonite
We've selected Carbonite as our exclusive partner for home users. Like CrashPlan, Carbonite provides automatic and continuous backup for all of your important files. Carbonite is also recognized for its complimentary award-winning customer support. Carbonite is offering a 50% discount on their Home and Core plans, exclusively for CrashPlan for Home users. The Carbonite and CrashPlan for Home support teams are aligned to make your transition to Carbonite quick and easy.
If you take no action, we will honor the remainder of your subscription and then securely delete your backup.
If you have any additional questions, please refer to our Consumer Information Page. And thank you, again, for being a CrashPlan for Home customer.
Joe Payne, President and CEO of Code42
*If you’re currently using CrashPlan for Home to back up to another computer, your computer-to-computer backup will be deleted once you convert. You’ll need to take action to preserve these archives prior to converting to CrashPlan for Small Business. You can migrate your cloud backups up to 5 TB per device. Some restrictions may apply. Click here to learn more.
Lite trist tycker jag.
CrashPlan for Small Businesses är dubbla priset ($10/månad) mot vad jag betalat innan (när rabatterna försvinner).
Carbonite har max filstorlek 4GB samt ingen Linux-klient så det faller bort för mig.
Kan i och för sig skaffa Google Gsuite for business men det kostar €8 / månad / användare. och kräver minst 5 användare för att få unlimited storage.
Kanske lägger filerna på Sia-nätverket istället alternativt bygger en egen lösning.