Skrivet av Yoshman:
Du kör ju Linux, där stöds firmware-patching från kärnan (något jag tror Win10 också fått på sistone?).
Jag har inte uppdaterat BIOS på någon av Intel-system som nu har fixarna för all de fall där den som attackerar och blir attackerad kör på samma CPU-tråd. Det tätar den enda reella hotbild jag ser på en dator där man inte låter okända köra valfritt program på systemet: Java Script i webbläsaren.
Problemen med SMT med patcharna ovan applicerade verkar vara rätt mycket som Spectre variant 2 och Meltdown, då det krävs att det program som attackerar måste finnas på datorn är de icke-problem (JS fungerar bara via Spectre variant 1, så det måste man patcha. JS verkar inte heller fungera som attackvektor m.h.a. MDS+SMT utan är fallet utan SMT man utnyttjar då). Om någon elaking redan tagit sig in på datorn finns det långt enklare sätt än MDS/Spectre/Meltdown för att nå root!!!
Är precis det RedHat säger också, många användingsfall påverkas inte speciellt mycket av dessa. Är primärt öppna molntjänster där inte vet vilka andra som kör på samma maskin där detta är en rejäl huvudvärk.
Ja, det stämmer, fick tag i ett ucode-paket och nu är allt tätat. Får se om jag skall slå på HT igen?
Checking for vulnerabilities on current system
Kernel is Linux 5.1.2-arch1-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 15 00:09:47 UTC 2019 x86_64
CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Hardware check
* Hardware support (CPU microcode) for mitigation techniques
* Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation (IBRS)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: YES
* CPU indicates IBRS capability: YES (SPEC_CTRL feature bit)
* Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier (IBPB)
* PRED_CMD MSR is available: YES
* CPU indicates IBPB capability: YES (SPEC_CTRL feature bit)
* Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors (STIBP)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: YES
* CPU indicates STIBP capability: YES (Intel STIBP feature bit)
* Speculative Store Bypass Disable (SSBD)
* CPU indicates SSBD capability: YES (Intel SSBD)
* L1 data cache invalidation
* FLUSH_CMD MSR is available: YES
* CPU indicates L1D flush capability: YES (L1D flush feature bit)
* Microarchitecture Data Sampling
* VERW instruction is available: YES (MD_CLEAR feature bit)
* Enhanced IBRS (IBRS_ALL)
* CPU indicates ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR availability: NO
* ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR advertises IBRS_ALL capability: NO
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Meltdown (RDCL_NO): NO
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Variant 4 (SSB_NO): NO
* CPU/Hypervisor indicates L1D flushing is not necessary on this system: NO
* Hypervisor indicates host CPU might be vulnerable to RSB underflow (RSBA): NO
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDC_NO): NO
* CPU supports Software Guard Extensions (SGX): NO
* CPU microcode is known to cause stability problems: NO (model 0x3c family 0x6 stepping 0x3 ucode 0x27 cpuid 0x306c3)
* CPU microcode is the latest known available version: YES (latest version is 0x27 dated 2019/02/26 according to builtin MCExtractor DB v110 - 2019/05/11)
* CPU vulnerability to the speculative execution attack variants
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5753 (Spectre Variant 1, bounds check bypass): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre Variant 2, branch target injection): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5754 (Variant 3, Meltdown, rogue data cache load): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3640 (Variant 3a, rogue system register read): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3639 (Variant 4, speculative store bypass): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3615 (Foreshadow (SGX), L1 terminal fault): NO
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3620 (Foreshadow-NG (OS), L1 terminal fault): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3646 (Foreshadow-NG (VMM), L1 terminal fault): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-12126 (Fallout, microarchitectural store buffer data sampling (MSBDS)): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-12130 (ZombieLoad, microarchitectural fill buffer data sampling (MFBDS)): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-12127 (RIDL, microarchitectural load port data sampling (MLPDS)): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2019-11091 (RIDL, microarchitectural data sampling uncacheable memory (MDSUM)): YES
CVE-2017-5753 aka 'Spectre Variant 1, bounds check bypass'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
* Kernel has array_index_mask_nospec: YES (1 occurrence(s) found of x86 64 bits array_index_mask_nospec())
* Kernel has the Red Hat/Ubuntu patch: NO
* Kernel has mask_nospec64 (arm64): NO
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
CVE-2017-5715 aka 'Spectre Variant 2, branch target injection'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Full generic retpoline, IBPB: conditional, IBRS_FW, RSB filling)
* Mitigation 1
* Kernel is compiled with IBRS support: YES
* IBRS enabled and active: YES (for firmware code only)
* Kernel is compiled with IBPB support: YES
* IBPB enabled and active: YES
* Mitigation 2
* Kernel has branch predictor hardening (arm): NO
* Kernel compiled with retpoline option: YES
* Kernel compiled with a retpoline-aware compiler: YES (kernel reports full retpoline compilation)
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Full retpoline + IBPB are mitigating the vulnerability)
CVE-2017-5754 aka 'Variant 3, Meltdown, rogue data cache load'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: PTI)
* Kernel supports Page Table Isolation (PTI): YES
* PTI enabled and active: YES
* Reduced performance impact of PTI: YES (CPU supports INVPCID, performance impact of PTI will be greatly reduced)
* Running as a Xen PV DomU: NO
CVE-2018-3640 aka 'Variant 3a, rogue system register read'
* CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (your CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability)
CVE-2018-3639 aka 'Variant 4, speculative store bypass'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp)
* Kernel supports disabling speculative store bypass (SSB): YES (found in /proc/self/status)
* SSB mitigation is enabled and active: YES (per-thread through prctl)
* SSB mitigation currently active for selected processes: YES (haveged ModemManager systemd-journald systemd-logind systemd-timesyncd systemd-udevd upowerd)
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp)
CVE-2018-3615 aka 'Foreshadow (SGX), L1 terminal fault'
* CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability: N/A
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (your CPU vendor reported your CPU model as not vulnerable)
CVE-2018-3620 aka 'Foreshadow-NG (OS), L1 terminal fault'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: PTE Inversion; VMX: conditional cache flushes, SMT disabled)
* Kernel supports PTE inversion: YES (found in kernel image)
* PTE inversion enabled and active: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: PTE Inversion)
CVE-2018-3646 aka 'Foreshadow-NG (VMM), L1 terminal fault'
* Information from the /sys interface: VMX: conditional cache flushes, SMT disabled
* This system is a host running a hypervisor: NO
* Mitigation 1 (KVM)
* EPT is disabled: NO
* Mitigation 2
* L1D flush is supported by kernel: YES (found flush_l1d in /proc/cpuinfo)
* L1D flush enabled: YES (conditional flushes)
* Hardware-backed L1D flush supported: YES (performance impact of the mitigation will be greatly reduced)
* Hyper-Threading (SMT) is enabled: NO
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (this system is not running a hypervisor)
CVE-2018-12126 aka 'Fallout, microarchitectural store buffer data sampling (MSBDS)'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
* CPU supports the MD_CLEAR functionality: YES
* Kernel supports using MD_CLEAR mitigation: YES (md_clear found in /proc/cpuinfo)
* Kernel mitigation is enabled and active: YES
* SMT is either mitigated or disabled: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
CVE-2018-12130 aka 'ZombieLoad, microarchitectural fill buffer data sampling (MFBDS)'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
* CPU supports the MD_CLEAR functionality: YES
* Kernel supports using MD_CLEAR mitigation: YES (md_clear found in /proc/cpuinfo)
* Kernel mitigation is enabled and active: YES
* SMT is either mitigated or disabled: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
CVE-2018-12127 aka 'RIDL, microarchitectural load port data sampling (MLPDS)'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
* CPU supports the MD_CLEAR functionality: YES
* Kernel supports using MD_CLEAR mitigation: YES (md_clear found in /proc/cpuinfo)
* Kernel mitigation is enabled and active: YES
* SMT is either mitigated or disabled: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
CVE-2019-11091 aka 'RIDL, microarchitectural data sampling uncacheable memory (MDSUM)'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
* CPU supports the MD_CLEAR functionality: YES
* Kernel supports using MD_CLEAR mitigation: YES (md_clear found in /proc/cpuinfo)
* Kernel mitigation is enabled and active: YES
* SMT is either mitigated or disabled: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
> SUMMARY: CVE-2017-5753:OK CVE-2017-5715:OK CVE-2017-5754:OK CVE-2018-3640:OK CVE-2018-3639:OK CVE-2018-3615:OK CVE-2018-3620:OK CVE-2018-3646:OK CVE-2018-12126:OK CVE-2018-12130:OK CVE-2018-12127:OK CVE-2019-11091:OK