Uppdated bugglista pluss Community Wishlist!
***Should add that these bugs may also be visible on all other platforms***
Community Bug List Below:
Campaign Specific:
- Sound sometimes randomly cuts from story missions
- Loading times are tremendously long
- Game crashing during auto saves
- Companions do some slight dragging along the floor sometimes when you get off your horse
- Game crashes for some during loading screens while doing missions
- Sometimes dialogue glitches and you can't select it with your mouse, only numbers
- Some rifts are pretty high up which makes it harder to target them when trying to close
- Trouble seeing color of highlighted item, could be more vibrant or different totally.
- War table in haven glitches out sometimes where you cant do anything, so you have to leave the room and go back in
- Random hair color changing bug
- Some users experiencing crashes upon auto-save
- Minimap could use some basic terrain information
- Minimap needs some general work to be a bit more useful
- Right clicking sometimes makes AI chase after animals etc....
- One rift in hinterlands has level 12 mobs spawning (is that normal?)
- Enemy respawning at alarming rates after being killed. Maybe add a bit more time before they respawn so we can leave the zone without having to kill them twice!
- Gender issues with the game, NPC's thinking you're a different class then you actually are
- Random bug where AOE spells won't trigger
- Visual bug reported by some users where weapon isn't materializing when spell is used
- Some users experiencing bad audio lag between dialogue and lip sync
- Melee/Hitbox issue; take a long time to execute ability due to crowded melee issue
- Bron in hinterlands not recognizing quest is done
- Some can't switch characters after a recent character swap
- Auto loot key requested by the community
- Search button V needs revamping, hard to distinguish the item because the color could be hard to track
- Collision detection on friendlies
- No object fade causing screen full of trees all the time
- Poor AI on following NPC's
- Stuck in crestwood bug (world map won't show up so no way to get to it)
- When turning around corners, companions sometimes glitch and get stuck and don't follow through the whole way
- Sometimes right clicking on an NPC or anything either doesn't work or takes very long
- If you set revive on companion in tactical, then switch out to regular play, your companion ignores that command and keeps attacking current target
- War table bugs sometimes and says quests you sent people to do will be completed in a few years (for example)
- Character record can become permanently locked if you do not assign ability points during the tutorial
- After cut scene post-character creation, glitch in which character is stuck in cutscene scenario
- Party not using special abilities, only a game exit and continue fixes the issue
- Warrior: Untouchable Defence says it gives +3 Constitution when unlocked
- Female inquisitor voice changing from British to American voice
- Sometimes your group doesn't speak at all for a few hours
- Game freezing sometimes when checking journal
- Game crashes a few times in 'Here Lies the Abyss"; when fighting Aspect of Nightmare
- In western approach, whistling down Abyssal High Dragon's health doesn't cause it to die, thus quest can't be completed
- One astarium may be broken, southwest in hinterlands.
- Troop loses head and fights headless when talking to comander cullen in haven
- Some characters and bosses randomly lose animations during final battle of templar quest
- Sometimes modified items don't show up
- Few cut scenes where your face changes color
- Cannot requisition the Mercy's Crest to challenge the leader
- Throne Room is bugged for "Promoting Barris," quest can't be activated for some users (report)
-Mage starts with staff, but in beginning bugs out and gives bow to some users
- Game crashing for some users when looking through skull to located shards
- Sometimes reaver skill "rampage" stops working after used once for the entirety of the game
- Cullen disappears for some users from haven after cutscene with the chancellor and mob in front of chapel
- In hinterlands, you can run into Druffy before accepting the quest
- When trying to expand "Skyhold" quest log in the journal, game freezes up
- Invisible characters in Haven, thus not allowing any interaction.
- When Darkspawn are fighting spiders in a cave, and I'm standing above them outside (Stormcoast) - if the characters are within range and their weapons auto pull out, once the spiders or darkspawn are dead, the corpses will warp up to the top of the hill / cave I'm standing on and I can loot them
- When the dragon is fighting the giant on the storm coast, you stand close enough to see the health bar and your weapon auto pulls out, once the giant is dead, his corpse will teleport to the party and you will be able to loot the kill
- Party will not entr one of the caves, they keep running outside
- Foritifying Blast needs fixing; covers user in blue mist and makes barrier weaker
- Sometimes entering the war room in Skyhold acts as a normal room so running around etc....can be done
- Putting notes on the map. Like: lvl x enemies, dragon.
- More zoomin option in third person mode, but not into first person. (Makes the can't view up problem go away, like targeting rifts.)
- Some hotkey for displaying monster properties in third person view (like in tactical mode), or a toggle key or an option for it.
- Missing tooltips.
- Tooltips in inventory sometime stuck on previously displayed item. Takes too much time to display, little annoying. Comparison not very user friendly.
- Hide items from inventory that are currently equipped, it is confusing.
- Some kind of sorting for selling/buying weapons and armor, not just by price. By armor rating, By dps, By weapon types.
- An addition inventory category for quest-ish like items.
- My british male inquistor voice always changing when jumping, sometimes has famale sometimes other male voices.
- Fighting in forest is impossible, even in third person mode, can't see anything, trees always blocking the view.
- Some skills has problem with targeting, like Flank Attack, Twin Fangs.
- So many NPCs interrupting each other, can't properly view/hear what they are saying. Sometimes even quest givers too.
- Option for quest givers won't start talking until clicking on them. Same when finishing / turning in a quest.
- Sometimes controlled companions doesn't revive main/other characters.
- Some codex entries are not labeled as new/unread, but they are.
- No instant changing between menus: from character screen to inventory for example.
- Inventory is a mess. Character selection by arrows has to go, bring back portaits for it. Previous dragon age's had good, manageable inventory. Why change it? This one not so much.
- In inventory characters can only be spinned by keyboard and not by mouse
- Some not receiving awards for certain quests being completed
- "From the Beyond" quest; chose dialogue to complete but immediately after keeper walks out of range and ends convo
- Qunari Warrior can only wear helmets, not qunari paint
- Some users experiecing slow movements by their characters
- Broken arms on the male elf model
- Some party members don't climb up ladders if you engage into combat right after climbing
- Ventatori helmet model and Gladiator helmet model are switched
- Sometimes NPC's conversation doesn't finish because other NPC's start talking mid way through
- Companions listed to disappear randomly (especially in Skyhold)
- Rogue; Shadow strike doesn't work in combat when you stealth and then try to use it; Flank attack isn't working how it's suppose to either
- Some can't complete "The Trouble with Darkspawn'
- Some unable to run forward while in fight mode, resolved after restart
- At redcliff village, NPC is above a branch for a bit before he comes down
- A requisition officer at Hinterlands is half buried in the ground
- In some cut scenes everyone stands with there arms out shaped in a T form
- Some characters shoulders look very low in cut scenes (as if they dropped down a good amount)
- Health can be incosistent, sometimes entering a region drops you from 5 to 4 bars
- Quest 'Scattered in Skyhold' doesnt update when pages and books are picked up
- Stability patch is definitely needed
- Player freezing, delay in the beginning of joining matches
- Due to delay in early match, you never get back in sync with the rest of your group
- Joining games underway spawns you under the map and you can't do nothing but leave
- The mp UI can be somewhat laggy at points
- Separate tab for portraits that have been unlocked to make it easier to see and equip, instead of checking the whole challenge list for them
- No toggle format for voice chat (press to talk)
- A text chat window would be amazing for people without a mic
- Money vases sometimes take a few times to break before the loot can be obtained
- Some users experiencing issues with random black screen and loading icon when joining online matches (rest of players are in the dungeon already)
- Random crashes to desktop with no error code sometimes in any match, which leads to no exp or money from that whole run
- Host migration tends to fail sometimes
- Sometimes friend invites don't properly work
- Lose a lot of connection to games which sends you back to the menu
- Sometimes entering online matches causes character to lose all talents on bar (an exit and rejoin fixes this)
- Some items not going into slot their designed to be going (ex: accessories)
- Sometimes when completing a mission, camera keeps spinning and only way to fix issue is by having host leave, migrate to new house thus redoing zone 5
Gamebreaking (Any general issues ex: FPS, menu crashes, menu glitches etc...):
- Game needs to be more optimized to allow for better FPS both single player and multiplayer
- Mantle needs to be fixed for users (including the bug where it can't be picked from the list)
- Game freezing in main menu for some players
- Direct X crash causing game to crash and backtracking many players
- Crashes sometimes without any error codes
- Game freezing randomly for some users
- Camera angles cause trees to get in the way of combat
- Using a controller on PC has reports that sometimes the D-pad stops working at random moments, and only an exit and start up again fixing the issue
- Sli/Crossfire texture flickering
- Issue with SLI; bright white fog (AMD not confirmed)
- Users reporting issues with the way game uses vram
- Some users crashing in certain cutscenes
- Inquisition texture quality set to "Fade touched" causes you to no longer see Spirit Blade
- Title screen freezing for many users
Community Opinions:
- More hairstyle options added would be greatly appreciated
- Maybe a way to change our hairstyles through the game, so that a game restart is not needed
- Better pathfinding on rocks so your team doesn't get stuck
- The multiplayer death cam could also be fixed where we can maybe just pick the player we want to watch until next checkpoint.
- UI needs optimization
- Talent tree should be a bit more optimized and made smoother for players
- Hide UI button - for screenshots
- Improve companion tactics somehow - settings need better definition
- Text being too small for some players, maybe an option to scale that in game
- Face presets - pretty or ugly choices
- Eyebrow color - different from hair colors
- Auto attack restored (or option) - click on distant target, you run to target and begin auto-attacking with no further input necessary
- Restore enemy selection circles - improve targeting in general
- Hold-down to highlight interactable objects, instead of having to constantly press.
- Could be helpful to have items categorized so we know what is junk, whats rare etc....
- Remove spammable search function - basically overhaul loot/herb/etc system
- AI needs major overhaul, if tactics not possible - help eliminate constant need for micromanagement
- Ability to queue actions during combat (or in Tac Cam)
- Revamp the health->damage system - prevent tedious traveling strictly for potion retrieval
- Edge scrolling - ability to pan Tac camera by touching the sides of screen with mouse
- looted item should show an inventory total next to them
- Group/AoE looting
- Followers pick up money automatically (option for them to pick up loot)
- Add option to add a mole and place it
- Allow save games to be named
- Click-to-loot ability - similar to click to move, and is likely tied into overall design req'd for auto-attack
- Right click does too many things--give us options to separate them out (i.e. interact, loot, talk)
- Tooltips - need descriptions of spells, abilities, functions, and general info (health, mana, etc)
- 30 fps cut scenes need to be uncapped
PC Control Scheme:
- No mouse movement
- Ability to move forward with Right Mouse+Left Mouse - like previous games
- Allow holding down right mouse button to rotate char's face
- Option to bind mouse to window
- Mouse pointer too small/hard to see
- Mouse keybinds are also much appreciated
- Auto targeting/target lock
- Walking toggle would be a nice add on
- Ability to re-bind controls to mouse buttons, both left/right as well as additional 4th, 5th, scroll buttons, etc.
- Keyboard mouse controls need fixing (ex: give a click to move option for people who want it)
- Holding RMB in order to activate camera jerks the view to pointer location - (this seems like it might have have far reaching implications)
- Tactical cam is too zoomed in and controls are flunky
- Tac cam collides with environment