They invented "SUV" because they can't call them Jeep
"Tycker alltid att du är lite tjurskallig när du skriver till mig och andra.. har jag fel?" - tcntad
"Du är fan min idol på Sweclockers Martiis. Tack för att du finns!" -
24 timmar kvar att leva
Hur kan syltkakor överleva i det vilda utan ögon?
¤i7 3770K |Corsair 2x8192MB | ASRock Fatal1ty Z77 Professional | 2x Asus GTX 670 SLI |NZXT Switch 810¤
Corsair 450 W, Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3, Intel E2160 @ 3 GHz, HD3870, 250GB S-ATA, Corsair DDR2 2046Mb Twin2X 6400
"Redan de gamla grekerna trodde sig leva i nutiden."
It's not that you don't comprehend what's laid out before you, or that you're unable to process. It's all about what you're to live up to, your position, an identity created by the expectations of your affiliation.
They invented "SUV" because they can't call them Jeep
"Tycker alltid att du är lite tjurskallig när du skriver till mig och andra.. har jag fel?" - tcntad
"Du är fan min idol på Sweclockers Martiis. Tack för att du finns!" -
Desktop: AMD 3950X, 64 GB RAM, Nvidia 4070 ... (Windows 11)
Serverdesktop: AMD 5600G, 64 GB RAM (Proxmox)
Labbmiljö: Supermicro SC825 X9DRi-F 2xE5-2667v2 64GB RAM
Kamera: Canon R5, Canon RF 100-500, Laowa 100mm f/2.8, Canon RF 24-70 f/2,8
Node 304: MSI Z87-I - Core i5 4670K - 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz Kingston HYPERX - Sapphire RX480 8GB - Crucial MX100 256GB
HTPC: ASRock H67M-GE - Core i3 2130 - 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz Corsair Vengeance - Intel X25-M G2 80GB
Laptop: Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13.3″
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signature your as this use backwards this read to enough dumb were you if
"On the frontlines there is only one commandment... THOU SHALT KILL"
Belysningstekniker låter väl lagom flummigt?
signature your as this use backwards this read to enough dumb were you if
amd 6000+ x2 4 gig pc6400 4 tib Lagring, asus 790fx osv osv
"If anyone ask why I fight another man's war, I say nothing. Because they dont want to understand..."
It's not that you don't comprehend what's laid out before you, or that you're unable to process. It's all about what you're to live up to, your position, an identity created by the expectations of your affiliation.
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!
Belysningstekniker låter väl lagom flummigt?
signature your as this use backwards this read to enough dumb were you if
Phenom II X4 995BE (3.20 Ghz)
Gigabyte 460 SOC 1GB | X-FI Extreme Gamer Pro | 4 GB DDR3 | 3x500 GB SATA HDD's | |INTEL SSD 80 GB|Vraptor150x2 | Samsung Syncmaster 24"
"Nightcrawl tipsar om Kvinnofängelset, som alternativ till den kan jag rekommendera att du istället skär av stora kroppspulsådern på dig själv och lägger dig ner och dör en utdragen, smärtsam död. Kan garantera att det är roligare än att se 700 avsnitt av den serien." -Loaded
Om du vill att jag ska se ditt svar så tryck på Citera.
Since man cannot live without miracles, he will provide himself with a miracle of his own making. He will believe in any kind of deity, even though he may otherwise be a heretic, an atheist and a rebel.
Belysningstekniker låter väl lagom flummigt?
signature your as this use backwards this read to enough dumb were you if
Ah, MX Blues, the power of nuclear bombs at your fingertips!
13700KF / Gigabyte Z790UD / 32gb DDR5@6000mhz / Powercolor RX 6700 XT 12Gb / NZXT HALE90 750 / NZXT H2 White