AMD ThreadRipper 3960X + MB + RAM + WaterCooling
Note: You can not run this system if you don't have WaterCooling loop.
here is what in the Package:
CPU: AMD ThreadRipper 3960X (Price New: 17500kr)
MB: Asus ROG Zenith II Extreme (Price New: 9650kr)
RAM: G.Skill 128GB (8x16GB) DDR4 3600MHz CL17 Trident Z (Price New: 9400kr)
CPU WaterBlock: Optimus Absolute Threadripper 3+
2x Memory WaterBlock
MotherBoard Chipset WaterBlock
Total Price if you buy them New is around 42000kr
I have been using those for less than 2 years, bought them in April 2020 from Inet, the motherboard is modified to host a waterblock for the chipset and to do that I had to remove the nvme heatsinks and the chipset heatsink and fan, I wanted a very silent system and the chipset fan was sounding like a bee flying close to your ear.
the CPU Writing is discolored because I was using LiquidMetal instead of normal thermal paste. (last picture)
everything runs fine with no issues and you can test it before you pick it up if you decide on pick up.
I don't have all the MB component that comes in the box and you will get everything that will get you running, including the extra fan controller that comes with the MotherBoard.
please do note again if you decide to buy, you will need a WaterCooling loop, I still do have the chipset heatsink but it's in no any condition that it can be fixed back, if you need water cooling Pump, Radiators, Reservoir I do have some for sell.
the system has been also added to Tradera.
Note: I will not be held responsible about shipping damage, the package will be sent very well packaged.