

Hello Antec on your website it says that the p183 has

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11 drive bays
- External 4 x 5.25"; 1 x 3.5"
- Internal 6 x 3.5" for HDD
- Internal 2 x 2.5" SSD drive bays

I assume the 3.5" external is the same as the 2x 2.5" SSD drive bays (either that or someone at Antec needs to correct the amount of drive bays in the description)

So my question is how do I mount SSD drives there? Is there suppose to be some adapter coming with the enclosure. If that is the case does it only come with really new rev. ?
follow up question then would be. If you did not get it, where do you get it?

And if my assumption is wrong about it being shared with the 3.5" external slot.
Where is it?

Thank for you time

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For the SSD 2.5" drives you share the 3.5" space. So yes it is shared.
So or you install 3.5" or the 2.5" drive

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The two slots in the upper drive bay has holes for either 3.5" or 2.5" drives.

Check here for a nice pic which explains it a bit better: | View topic - Antec p183 case rev 2, they have changed the design

Im not 100% sure, but I dont think the early revisions of the P183 had this.

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A modest man is usually admired, if people ever hear of him.


Hi Roger,
We have V3 right now.
you can have 4 x 3.5 there and extra either 2 x 2.5 or 2 x 3.5

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