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DayZ - TG [TweakGuide]

Last Modified: 14 July

ArmA 2: Combined Operations


Six Launcher

Options > Additional startup parameters: -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=2047 -skipIntro -world=empty -maxVRAM=2047

Game Options

Language: English/Other

Subtitles: Enabled/Disabled

Radio subtitles: Enabled/Disabled

Blood: Disabled/Low/High

Aiming deadzone: This slider unlocks your weapon from the camera, moving the slider all the way to the left locks your weapon in the middle of your camera, if you move the slider all the way to the right, you will move your weapon freely to a certain point, without moving the position of the character or camera location. Simply, slider left you move your entire body when moving the mouse, slider right and you only move your torso until you look a certain degree to either side.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PQg6-aLfaI

Recommended: Disabled (Slider all the way left)

Head bob: This slider locks your camera to your head, with every step your character takes the camera will follow the heads motion up, down, left and right.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PQg6-aLfaI

Recommended: Disabled (Slider all the way left)


Smoothing: This slider adjusts the mouse smoothing.

Recommended: Disabled (Slider all the way left)

Video Options

Visibility: This slider controls the distance to which your character can see. While this can notably increase FPS in large outdoor areas, it can clearly reduce the visible distance significantly, and thus make finding your way around the game world more difficult, as well as discovering new buildings and objects in the distance.

(This setting is locked on 1200 in DayZ, changing it has no effect)

Brightness: This slider controls the level of brightness for the in-game image.

Gamma: This slider controls the level of gamma for the in-game image.

Quality preference: This setting controls your overall graphics quality, allowing you to choose from five separate presets: Very Low, Low, Normal, High and Very High.

Interface resolution: This setting should match your 3D resolution below.

3D Resolution: This setting should match your monitors native resolution.


Texture detail: The screenshots below highlight that as the Texture Quality setting is increased, the tree and blurry bush textures shown here steadily become crisper and more detailed. The improvement from Low to Normal is quite obvious, but any subsequent difference between Normal and Very High is difficult to see. Note that some textures in ArmA 2 look less detailed even at the highest setting. Furthermore, at normal viewing distance, even Low textures can look acceptable at a casual glance.

Low http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1092/txt1.jpg
Normal http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/1363/txt2x.jpg
High http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/4391/txt3.jpg
Very High http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/7323/txt4.jpg

Recommended: Normal

Video memory: Sets the amount of VRAM the game can use. Very High limits it to 512 MB, default overrides the 512 MB limit to use more, autodetects your graphic cards VRAM amount.

Recommended: Default

Anisotropic filtering: This is a form of texture filtering is designed to improve the sharpness of textures which appear at an angle to your view, such as those on the ground or walls receding into the distance. The available options are Disabled, Low, Normal, High and Very High.

The performance impact of Anisotropic Filtering on modern graphics cards is hardly noticeable.

Recommended: Very High

Antialiasing: This setting controls Anti-Aliasing (AA), it is used to reduce the jaggedness of lines in computer graphics. The higher the sample rate of the AA selected, the smoother the lines will appear. AA can be very costly in terms of performance, especially at higher sample rates.

Disabled http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/7466/aa0u.jpg
Low http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/8176/aa1ey.jpg
Normal http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/8505/aa2li.jpg
High http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/9409/aa3o.jpg
Very High http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/3551/aa4n.jpg

Recommended: Normal

Terrain detail: This setting only affects visible grass distance on terrain. The available options are Very Low, Low, Normal, High and Very High. However because grass is frequently used as a major source of cover during multiplayer, the setting is forced on Normal by the Server, so you can't disable it altogether.

(This setting is Locked on Normal in DayZ, changing it has no effect)

Objects detail: This slider changes the Level of Detail on objects in the game world. As the setting is lowered, fewer polygons are used to construct these objects. Objects further away will lose their detail or be removed altogether.

Very Low http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/6030/obj1.jpg
Low http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/3193/obj2.jpg
Normal http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/3522/obj3.jpg
High http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/7031/obj4.jpg
Very High http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/3130/obj5pb.jpg

Recommended: Very Low

Shadow detail: This setting controls the level of shadow detail. The available options are Disabled, Normal, High and Very High, and at progressively higher levels the shadows in the game become softer, more detailed, and hence more realistic.

Disabled http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/7750/shdw0.jpg
Normal http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/6026/shdw1.jpg
High http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/6/shdw2.jpg
Very High http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/9528/shdw3.jpg

The screenshots above show that at Normal there are plentiful shadows, but they are all hard-edged. At High, the shadows are softer and thus more realistic.

Recommended: Disabled

HDR quality: High Dynamic Range is a form of lighting effect which dynamically alters based on the way it interacts with various objects and surfaces, as well as the environment in which the light source is portrayed. Essentially a HDR-enabled scene exhibits greater illumination of certain surfaces/light sources, and can be a (arguably) more realistic portrayal of how the human eye interprets light in certain situations (e.g. added glare of light at the end of a dark tunnel, or when staring at the sun).

Normal http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/862/hdr1x.jpg
High http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/327/hdr2w.jpg
Very High http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/6246/hdr3x.jpg

Recommended: Normal

Postprocess effects: This setting is quite important for overall image quality. See details of each setting below,

Disabled: Color Correction
Very Low: Film Grain + Radial Blur + Dynamic Blur
Low: Bloom + Rotational Blur
Normal: Depth of Field + Lowest SSAO
High: Medium SSAO
Very High: Highest SSAO

Disabled http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/2661/pp0u.jpg
Very Low http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/241/pp1q.jpg
Low http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/892/pp2m.jpg
Normal http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/4190/pp3c.jpg
High http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/8403/pp4s.jpg
Very High http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/173/pp5w.jpg

Recommended: Disabled

Interface size: Changes the size on your User Interface (UI).

Aspect ratio: Set it to match your monitors native aspect ratio/resolution.

Vsync: Vertical Synchronization (VSync) is the synchronization of your graphics card and monitor's abilities to redraw an image on the screen a number of times each second, measured in Hz. This is not the same as FPS, but when VSync is On your maximum FPS will also be capped to your monitor's Refresh Rate. For most people the refresh rate is around 59-60Hz, which means your framerate will be also capped to around 60 FPS if VSync is On. When VSync is Off, you may experience a phenomenon known as 'tearing': portions of the image temporarily appear to be out of alignment. This does no harm to your system, but it can be annoying. Enabling VSync removes tearing but aside from capping the framerate, it can also reduce your FPS by up to 50% or more, and importantly, introduce some mouse lag.

Recommended: Disabled


Saxat och modifierat en del texter från TweakGuides, mad props

Har jag missat något är det bara att skriva så lägger jag till

Visa signatur

Projektlogg: Vector Qlimax

X APEX, 8700K @ 5200MHz, Trident Z 16GB @ 4133MHz CL16, RTX 2080 Ti, 970 M.2 SSD, RM1000x, EK A240


Hrm, många av deras recommended settings är ju lol. Bara en sådan sak som att sätta shadows på off?
Jag har räddats flertalet ggr av att jag sett någons skugga runt hörn/vid dörrar/uppe på byggnader.


Stämmer att alla settings under High hamnar på processorns workload? Läste det på DayZ-forumet nämligen.

Och det bör nämnas att startup parametrarna måste ändras något beroende på vilken mängd RAM och VRAM osv man har, är nog inte så självklart för alla

Visa signatur


Skrivet av Xermalk:

Hrm, många av deras recommended settings är ju lol. Bara en sådan sak som att sätta shadows på off?
Jag har räddats flertalet ggr av att jag sett någons skugga runt hörn/vid dörrar/uppe på byggnader.

Rent gameplaymässigt så bör man väl ha skuggor på, men om man har problem med prestandan så är det en bra boost att sänka/stänga av dom

Visa signatur


Skrivet av Xermalk:

Hrm, många av deras recommended settings är ju lol. Bara en sådan sak som att sätta shadows på off?
Jag har räddats flertalet ggr av att jag sett någons skugga runt hörn/vid dörrar/uppe på byggnader.

Skrivet av KKay:

Rent gameplaymässigt så bör man väl ha skuggor på, men om man har problem med prestandan så är det en bra boost att sänka/stänga av dom

Tvärt om enligt mig, du ser betydligt bättre med skuggor avstängda, plus du får mer fps. Enda nackdelen är att det är fulare, dock är Normal med hard-edged shadows ännu fulare än Disabled, så det är antingen Disabled eller High som gäller, och då drar det en del prestanda, så i de flesta fall är Disabled ett bättre val, därav har jag satt det till recommended.

Jag kör själv GTX580 SLI och ligger på 90 FPS med High Shadows, ändå kör jag Disabled, just för att jag ser andra players bättre.

Skrivet av KKay:

Stämmer att alla settings under High hamnar på processorns workload? Läste det på DayZ-forumet nämligen.

Och det bör nämnas att startup parametrarna måste ändras något beroende på vilken mängd RAM och VRAM osv man har, är nog inte så självklart för alla

Låter konstigt, länka tråden om du hittar.


Startup Parametrarna behöver väl inte ändras? Jag har satt max vad spelet är hard-codat till, 2047 VideoRAM och System RAM

Sen så exThreads 7 för 3 trådar om jag fattat rätt, sen cpuCount 4 för quad, har du 2 kärnor borde den väl bara använda 2 helt enkelt?

Visa signatur

Projektlogg: Vector Qlimax

X APEX, 8700K @ 5200MHz, Trident Z 16GB @ 4133MHz CL16, RTX 2080 Ti, 970 M.2 SSD, RM1000x, EK A240


Vilken inställning ger skarpare bild? tycker att saker på avstund är otroligt suddiga, har gått efter guiden i första inlägget men får inte till det

Visa signatur

[AMD Ryzen 7 2700X][MSI X470 GAMING PRO CARBON] [Corsair Vengeance LPX Black DDR4 3000MHz 2x8GB ] [MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT Mech OC] [Fractal design Define R2] [Asus VP278] Logitech G502][Razer Ornata chroma]

Skrivet av Copa:

Vilken inställning ger skarpare bild? tycker att saker på avstund är otroligt suddiga, har gått efter guiden i första inlägget men får inte till det

Det är Post Processing inställningen längst till höger, har du den på Normal eller över så är "Depth of Field" igång, vilket gör bilden suddig så det ser snyggt ut på längre avstånd

Visa signatur

Projektlogg: Vector Qlimax

X APEX, 8700K @ 5200MHz, Trident Z 16GB @ 4133MHz CL16, RTX 2080 Ti, 970 M.2 SSD, RM1000x, EK A240

Skrivet av zhrooms:

Det är Post Processing inställningen längst till höger, har du den på Normal eller över så är "Depth of Field" igång, vilket gör bilden suddig så det ser snyggt ut på längre avstånd

tack. får kolla upp det

Visa signatur

[AMD Ryzen 7 2700X][MSI X470 GAMING PRO CARBON] [Corsair Vengeance LPX Black DDR4 3000MHz 2x8GB ] [MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT Mech OC] [Fractal design Define R2] [Asus VP278] Logitech G502][Razer Ornata chroma]


någon som fått det å funka i window mode? jag får mångo upplösning ingame när jag windowmode, allt är mångostort gällande menyer och så vidare,

Visa signatur

|Workstation: AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 4.7GHz | ASRock X670E | AMD Radeon 7900 XT | 32GB DDR5 | NVMe 2.0TB | HDD 4.0TB |
|Fedora Srv VM Host: AMD Threadripper 2920x | ASUS PRIME X399-A | 24GB DDR4 | 10TB Storage |
|HTPC: AMD Ryzen 3 2200G 3.7 GHz | Gigabyte B450M DS3H | Radeon Vega 8 | 8GB RAM | SSD 120GB | *Test rig för div Linux distar, drivers m.m.


Man vill ju egentligen inte ha på mouse smoothing. Men det blir förjävla skakigt och vidrigt utan den. Fix för det?