Tack å bock, Hårdrock!
hur gör man 12v dc till 12v ac?
Chassi: Adtronics 7890A (modifierat) || Moderkort: Asus m5a99x-evo || Cpu: Amd PhenomII 1100T || Ram: 32GB ddr3 1600mhz || Gfx: Hd5850 || Hdd: Vertex3 120gb Lagring: 1x3TB 3x2TB 2x1TB mm || Nätagg: Corsair AX850
Tack å bock, Hårdrock!
"If there's a simple lesson in all of this, it's that hoaxes tend to thrive in communities which exhibit high levels of trust. But on the Internet, where identities are malleable and uncertain, we all might be well advised to err on the side of skepticism."
En del av mina bildlänkar hostas på egen maskin, är bildlänkarna trasiga, ha tålamod.
AMD Athlon X2 64 3800+ <> Asus EN8500GT <> Asus M2V <> 2048MB RAM