Ok så uppenbarligen har wow en loggfil och igår ikväll 22.06 som var den tiden som spelet laggade ur står följande:
2/14 21:57:06.891 Monitor 0 "Generic PnP Monitor" Size(1920x1080) Pos(0, 0)
2/14 21:59:24.096 Periodic Gpu Status Report: Mem Budget: 2.3GB / 7.0GB (32.1%) Freq:0.27GHz Temp:37C
2/14 22:04:24.121 Periodic Gpu Status Report: Mem Budget: 2.2GB / 7.0GB (31.2%) Freq:0.78GHz Temp:48C
2/14 22:06:00.114 Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
2/14 22:06:00.114 Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 1
2/14 22:06:00.114 GxRestart
2/14 22:06:00.114 D3d12 Device Destroy
2/14 22:06:03.121 Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
2/14 22:06:06.121 Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
2/14 22:06:06.121 NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
Ingen aning vad som menas men något har ju triggat något som orsakar en time out?