Lower watt CP-models


Lower watt CP-models

Are there any plans to launch more PSUs in the CP series, with lower wattage than 850W? There are many of us with P18X cases really liking CP-850 and the whole concept but find it to powerful for our needs. I'm certain this also applies to Twelvehundred owners in some degree.

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Core i5 2500K@4Ghz, 8 Gb Kingston Hyper X 1600 DDR3, MSI Z68-GD55, OCZ Vertex 4, Asus GTX670 DC2, Corsair VX 450.
Kyld av Hyper 212 Plus Evo: Corsair SP120 Quiet PWM, 3 Nexus Real Silent 120 mm @ 7V.


Hello, at this mment i have no information about that.
Keep in mind that the CP series fits in the P183, P193 and the twelvehundred.

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It also fits in P182 but mounting is a bit trickier:

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Core i5 2500K@4Ghz, 8 Gb Kingston Hyper X 1600 DDR3, MSI Z68-GD55, OCZ Vertex 4, Asus GTX670 DC2, Corsair VX 450.
Kyld av Hyper 212 Plus Evo: Corsair SP120 Quiet PWM, 3 Nexus Real Silent 120 mm @ 7V.


It fits as you can see but officially it doesn't.
Thanks for the link btw!

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A lower wattage CP whould be very nice for P183 since its not that big and have less cooling than P19x so 850w is pretty overkill for a single gpu setup. It's a nice psu since it has low db, rippel and noise!


We do not plan any lower wattage models with the CP at the moment. Sorry for that. We have many other power supplies with normal ATX standard with lower wattages though. The reason why not lower wattage is that lower wattages don't need this way of cooling actually, so we didn't see the need to change it. With higher wattage unit it does however make sense since there is much more heat to be dissipated.